Do you have the right stuff?

Considering working in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands? Your resume may be a perfect match to the job description, but how do you know if YOU are right for what awaits you in Bermuda or the Caribbean?

This can be a difficult question.

In the conversations we’ve had with thousands of candidates over the years we’ve learned that there is no one personality profile that provides a reliable answer to this question. We have seen the most unlikely individuals thrive in these locales, and those that would seem best suited initially… sometimes are not!

Your personal values need to be consistent with what the experience will offer you.

For instance, you need to see plenty of value in a healthy, natural and safe living environment. The lifestyle activities associated with these locales should be attractive to you. Do you appreciate making new friends with people whose backgrounds may be quite different than yours? Successful expats will enjoy life in a small community, with all the ups and downs that might entail!

If you derive satisfaction from being a hard working, friendly, team oriented contributor, you will do well with an Island employer. Are you essentially an upbeat person, who views the glass of life as half full? A robust and positive attitude to life and work, is a prerequisite to the successful and rewarding expat experience!

You need to be patient in terms of financial reward. There is plenty of money to be made offshore in tax free or largely tax free locales, but these opportunities shouldn’t be considered get rich quick schemes.

You really require a great sense of humour and the ability to bend without breaking. You are bound to encounter hardships, unexpected issues and adjustments particularly in the early days of your relocation. If you have the necessary inner resources to enable you to take a longer term view, you will undoubtedly have a tremendously rich, career enhancing overseas experience.

So reflect seriously on what it is that excites you about the prospect of moving to Bermuda or the Caribbean. If you think you have the right stuff, give us a call and let’s take the next steps forward!

Author: Frank Squires

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